Monday, July 28, 2008

For Kelley...

So it has been a while since I have posted...what can I say Jay is gone and with no dog or child there is not much to update everyone on. I am heading to the beach this weekend with a couple friends and then heading to the states for a little over a week.
While I'm there I plan on seeing my best friend

And we are going to see:!! I can't wait to be back in Florida for a little bit and see all the people I love!

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kapeck said...'s about time! I can't wait to see ya too! I love that picture of us!

Unknown said...

Have a safe flight to the states! I wish I was in town to see you and Jay! Hope all is well

Jared and Andrea said...

I so wish we were going to be in St. Augustine so I could see you. I want to see the new Sisterhood movie so bad. Tell me how it is. Love ya!