Sunday, September 13, 2009


Over Labor Day weekend Jay and I took a road trip up to Scotland.  I hadn't been up there before and Jay hadn't been since he was little.   We decided to go up there for one last trip before we leave.  It was a lot of time in the car but the scenery was well worth it!  We drove up on Friday and stayed in Glasgow... here is a shot of the sunset we caught on the way up.

On Saturday we drove up to Inverness to go to the Macallan Scotch Distillery and stayed in Inverness that night.  We crossed this bridge on the way... so pretty!
The Macallan Distillery. We weren't able to tour the factory but we did go to the gift shop so Jay could get some good bottles and walked around the grounds a little.  They were absolutely beautiful, over looking the river.
Sunday morning we drove through the Lochs and then headed down to St. Andrews.  We stopped off at a couple waterfalls that we found on the map.  The first wasn't that impressive but the river was great.
The second was really good!
Jay and I at Loch Ness.  It was really pretty and I didn't realize how big it was.  The weather wasn't that great but still impressive.
Another Loch on our drive down to St. Andrews.
We went to Oban and the Distillery there that we were able to tour.
This was really random, we were hanging out before the tour and walking around the harbor.  We came upon this statue.  We weren't sure what to make of it, we didn't see any explanation on why or what it was representing.  Jay thought it would be funny if I "Scolded" him.
St. Andrews Old Course ... the last hole.  It was really beautiful there.
We (and by we I mean Jay) weren't able to play the course but we did hit some balls.  I don't know that much about golf but the balls that they give you at the driving range were all Calloway which Jay says are really good balls.
I even hit some.  I wasn't that good but did manage to get some good shots off.
The St. Andrews Sign...
It was a great trip!  And a great way to round out our Europe travels.  I know we will still do a bunch of traveling in Europe, it just may be a little bit before we get back.

We are now completely packed out of our house, have both cars sold over here and only have one work week left.  Jay finals out next Wednesday and we head down to London that night!  We are going to see Avenue Q and then fly out Thursday morning!!!  We are so excited for this next phase in our lives and all that God has in store for us.  I'll post pictures of Jay's fini flight and our going aways next weekend.

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Spouse Taxi

Last Friday the OG (Operations Group, the part Lakenheath that the 2 F-15 E, F-15 C, & Helicopter Squadrons are members of) put on a Spouse Appreciation Day!  It was a great day and they had all kinds of events lined up for us to do.  I was able to take part in the Hight Speed Taxis that they were able to arrange.  We aren't allowed to fly in the jets so this was a close as we were going to get to being in them.  The guys were great at explaining what was going on when they were starting up, we were able to make the radio calls, and then of course the taxi!  We stood at the end of the run way and then "took off", well not really only to 100 knots, but it was still pretty cool.  It was really neat to be in the jet and see even an extremely small glimpse of what their "office" is like.  Here are some pictures:

We all wore one of our husbands flight suits... it was a tad big but still really comfy!
Jay and I hanging out in Life Support getting ready for me to get fitted in all the gear.
Putting on the G-suit.  This is what they fly in that helps them keep all the blood from rushing from their heads and passing out while they are pulling G's! 
With the helmet on.
Getting the harness fitted
and now the mask....
We had to look in the mirror so they could show us how to take the mask off if we started feeling sick.
Jay and I with all our gear on ready to head out to the jet!
James Farrow was the pilot who did my taxi ride... Thanks so much James!

Jay and I in front of the jet... he wasn't able to taxi me but was in the jet next to the one I was in so it was fun to see him next to me.  We got some pictures before we went to the one we were going to be in.
Jay want to do one of the "Hero" shots that they often get when they first start flying...  as you can see it was quite windy that day.
Getting some shots in the jet.
Jay was in the front.

It was such a fun day and a great time hanging out with Jay.  We left that afternoon for Scotland, one last trip before we head out. 

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