Sunday, March 29, 2009

Next Assignment

I know it has been a little bit since posting.  I'm not the best about it I know...but a lot of times there really isn't much to update on.  But now we finally have something to update everyone on!  We found out where we will be going next!  We will be going to Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls, TX!  Jay will be flying T-38's teaching new pilots how to fly.  We will be leaving here sometime in September (depending on Jay's training date which we don't know yet) and going to San Antonio for his training.  We will be there for about 4-5 months before heading to Wichita Falls.  We are both looking forward to the change of pace and being back in the States and closer to all of you!  Wichita Falls is about two hours from both Dallas & Oklahoma City so it will be easy for everyone to come visit!!  

Hope you are all doing well!  We will post some pictures soon...the weather is finally getting better here!  Spring is in full swing and the things I love about England.

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