Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Painting Project

So last weekend was spent in the Dining Room painting. We have talked about painting for a while and finally got everything and did it & it looks great! We are both really happy with the color and how everything turned out. We still have some touch ups to do but it is done for the most part. I know there are more painting projects on the horizon but it will have to wait a little. So here are the pictures of the process. I forgot to take a few before pictures but here is before we got any paint on the walls.

I got to put the first paint on the wall...

All taped up

About 10 seconds into painting. Jay thought it was hilarious. He was much more paint free than I was.

Durango helping out... he was actually really good about not coming into the room. We both wanted to keep him out because we had visions of him stepping in the paint and walking all over the house or just trying to drink it! Thankfully none of that happened!

About half way done.


More views... I love how it looks against the white.

During the day light.

When we have more painting projects completed I will post them.

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