Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Trip to Florida

I was able to go home to St. Augustine for about 2 weeks at the end of Feb/ early March for a few events that were going on. It was a great time and I was able to catch up with a lot of UNF friends that I hadn't seen in a while (although I only got a picture w/ a few of them). It was nice just to be home and not have to feel rushed, I just wished it had been a little warmer! Then it was my Mom's Birthday that Jay came in for as well as Sally & the kids. Eric was unfortunately not able to make it.

Playing Soccer in the front yard. Not quite sure what Evan is doing though.
Mom's Birthday Party at Gypsy!

More party pictures...
Amanda, Shelia, Kristine, & I at Bonefish. We were all Sorority Sisters together and it was so wonderful catching up with them! I really forget how much I enjoy being with them and how much I miss being around. Thanks girls for meeting up!
More soccer outside, I thought this was a cute picture of Sally & Lauren

I love this with Dad & Lauren.
We went out with Mom's 2nd grade team that she teaches with to a little Mexican restaurant in town. Well they figured out it was her birthday and sang Happy Birthday to her & put this on her head!! It was the funniest thing because the song went on forever!

More soccer. Evan scoring a goal on Jay!

It was a great trip home. Thanks again to all my friends that I was able to meet up with and I'm really sorry to those that it didn't work out. Next time definitely!

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